Thursday, August 14, 2014

Time To Harvest Pole Beans

It was very exciting today to finally pick my pole beans that I thought I would not get when the season started this year.  It was close that I would even get them at all, but in the end I still was able to get them in a reasonable amount of time.  I could have picked them earlier, but I am not going to complain because I am lucky that I got them at all.

With two rows of these beans I have plenty to choose from.  I was able to get three pounds today and I definitely feel that I will be getting more as the season goes on.  There were still many that I couldn't pick because they hadn't reach full maturity.  I love large beans and the fortex beans that I grow usually get to very large sizes that you will not find in any store.

Here are the beans I picked today.

This is how long they actually are.

I also had some cherry tomatoes that I though were good enough to be removed from the plant and be ready for consumption.  These are my favorite so I always have to make sure that I plant at least one of them for myself.  Check out the size of them they are almost as big as some roma tomatoes.

There are still plenty of cherry tomatoes and others out in the garden and I should be able to pick them until the end of the season.

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