Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Getting Most of My Flowers Outside for Fresh Air

Yesterday the weather was very good and it was in the low 70's for most of the day and it was a good chance to place many of my plants outside.  For now I am just going to be putting flowers outdoors to get used to the weather.  I will be placing all my others outside maybe in a week or at the end of this coming week.

I want to get my flowers used to the weather as soon as possible in order to place them in the ground very soon.  This is what I do every season and it has definitely worked to my advantage.  Placing them outside not just helps the plants, but it also helps in possibly attracting good insects during the daytime and laying eggs on plant leaves.

I am getting blooming buds on many of my alyssum plants and these are always the first to boom.  Once they start flowering then I know it is almost time to get them into the ground, but for now I will just be placing them outside each day and bring them inside for the night.

Most of the other flowers will be flowering once I place them in the garden, but right now they are just growing as best as possible with the good weather that we are having.  Some perennial flowers are in the garden right now such as my feverfew, perennial alyssum, and even some cilantro has come back from last season.  These are usually annuals but I guess the seeds were preserved and they started growing in the garden once the weather was good enough.

I also have lettuce outside during the entire day and night.  They have been outside for the longest and I am going to be putting them in the garden hopefully sometime this week.  They look ready for the garden and I think once I get them in the ground they should start growing much better.

All my other plants such as eggplants, melons, peppers, and most of the fruits and vegetables will not be placed outside at the moment.  I will be waiting for higher temperatures outside.  Since they will not be planted any time soon I can keep them inside for now.

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