Thursday, March 8, 2018

With a New Season Comes Some New Crops

I am not changing the garden that much this year and instead will be introducing some new vegetables into the mix.  Potatoes are one of the new vegetables that I want to add into the garden.  I also decided on keeping peas and radishes and will have a little bit less lettuce than last year.

Spinach has always been a favorite and since I didn’t plant any last year I decided that I would plant some this season.  I also want to get some celery into the garden as well and I have started them inside for a head start.

Rhubarb and brussel sprouts are the two new things that I will add to the spring garden.  I used to have rhubarb many years ago, but I have actually never grown it myself and I decided that this would something new that I could add.  I love brussel sprouts and have never actually thought of growing it until now.

I am also growing some new types of lettuce.  Last year I grew all four types, but this season I want to add some new varieties.  Instead of ruby glow hybrid I will be substituting it with the king crimson hybrid.  I have selected green ice to take place of my looseleaf type that I planted last season.  I still will be planting all four types of lettuce just different types.

King Crimson Hybrid Lettuce Seeds

Lettuce Seeds

So far I have planted celery, the two new lettuce varieties, brussel sprouts, dill, and alyssum.  I probably should have started a little bit earlier, but if I place them under fluorescent lights I believe I could catch up in time for the spring. 

Other than these three things I think the garden will be the same as previous years.  I might have some new types of melons, corn, or other vegetables or fruits to grow this season, but hopefully we’ll have a fruitful season.

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