Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Last Vegetables That are to be Planted Indoors

One of the last vegetables that needs to be planted include the pumpkin and zucchini.  These are part of the squash family and are sometimes referred by this name.  I like to do them last because as soon as they start sprouting they will grow considerably fast.  You don't want to have a plant on your windowsill that is taking up too much room.  This is one reason why I grow them last.

Another reason to grow them later than your other plants is that you need to put them into larger pots in order to accompany all the roots that will be needed in supporting these vegetables.  Root bound plants never end up doing good and will most likely not succeed as you had hoped. 

One container that you can use for this task are ones that can hold up to 32 oz of soil.  I happen to collect these types of containers and I reuse them for all my gardening needs.  Don't forget to insert holes on the bottom to allow for proper drainage and air circulation.  Hurry up and start growing your squash plants today.

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