Saturday, September 6, 2014

Cantaloupe and Eggplant are Finally Harvested

I had been discussing my cantaloupe and recently my eggplant that I have been watching for the past week and I had been hoping to pick them soon.  I was surprised when my cantaloupe was done because I wasn't certain that it had completed the ripening process.

The eggplant I picked this week was something that I was going to do real soon and I couldn't let it sit there any longer and decided that it was time to pick it and eat it.  That is what I did today with my eggplant and had it for dinner.  It was very delicious even though eggplants don't have a tasty flavor, but with my own recipe I was able to easily make it a delicious food once again.

I could have had my cantaloupe for dessert to eat both of the new harvests in the same day, but I think I am going to save it for tomorrow or sometime this week.  It will most likely not last long since it was a smaller cantaloupe than I had hoped for, but I am still happy with the results.  I have some pictures below for your viewing, but for more you can check out my latest blog post right away.

Second cantaloupe on the way.


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