Monday, March 6, 2017

Amaranthus, Cosmos, and More Flowers Planted Indoors

It is that time when planting indoors will be very beneficial during the garden season.  I wanted to get as many different flower seeds as possible including amaranthus, calendula, cosmos, statice, and a few more wildflower seeds.  You can never have too many flowers in the garden.

I used the same type and size pot for almost all the seeds except for cosmos.  These are actually a type of sunflower plant, but they do not grow like the typical sunflower that we all know.  They are smaller and grow beautifully colored blossoms that insects and butterflies use for food.  I placed them in larger pots because out of all the flowers they will need the extra room that these other containers have.

I am just going to place these in the windowsill while a week or two later it will be time to start my tomatoes indoors and these will be under grow lights.

Just twenty containers of seeds is a good amount to start with at the moment.  I still have many more flowers that I need to plant, but those will come a little bit later.  I would say around late March I should start planting them.

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