Sunday, January 11, 2015

It is Now 2015 and Time To Get Seeds for The Year

It is always important that I get new seeds each year so that I will have the best germination rate among all the seeds that are planted.  I don't like using old seeds unless they are seeds that I have collected myself from the previous year.  Other than that using new seeds will give you a much better start to the season.

Going through all the seeds that I have is what I do in the beginning of the year before the season starts and is an important part of knowing exactly what you have and what you need.  I keep track of this in my garden journal which I recommend everyone using because it will become invaluable in the future.

There are two seeds that I save each season which includes cantaloupe and corn.

The seeds above are what I will be using this season and will save on costs not having to purchase extra corn seeds for the year.  The same thing goes with the cantaloupe seeds as well.  As long as they are dried properly then they should grow each and every year.  They also have to be heirlooms because hybrids will not work the next season and will most likely be sterile and give a poor harvest.

Like every year I like to try something new.  Last year I tried out celery which didn't come out that bad, but I think a better variety is what I will be doing this season.  Besides a new type of celery I am also going to grow the Ruby Glow romaine lettuce hybrid.  This has a much darker color and is packed with nutrients that will be great for any salad that is made this year.

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