Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Time for Picking Kale and the Last Pumpkins

I started picking my kale plants today because they had very large leaves that were not going to get any bigger and had to cut them off the plant right away.  I could have waited a couple more days, but I like to pick a little bit at a time rather than several leaves all at once.  I got 37 leaves in total that came from eight plants that I have growing in the garden.

The good news is that there are still plenty of leaves on the plants and the leaves that I picked today were a real good size.  If I can have harvests like this for the rest of the season I will be happy.

Pumpkins were another vegetable that I picked today.  I wasn't going to at first, but then I thought that this is the month of October and this is the best time to pick them.  Instead of just picking a couple I decided to just pick all of them.  I will only cut a couple of them to use on Halloween and the others I will wait just before they begin to rot and then cut them open.

One of my vegetable plants that are still producing flowers would be my peppers.  I saw that my plants had plenty of peppers on them and I picked as many that were ready.  It is great that they are still producing flowers this late into the season.  Once the first frost comes then that will be the end for most of the garden.

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