Saturday, April 14, 2018

Getting Those Other Cool Seeds Into the Ground

Now that I have my onions in the totes and beginning to sprout it is time to start planting some seeds into the garden.  I thought about it and I was sure that it was time for pea and radish seeds to be planted right about now.  The weather is still cool, but these seeds shouldn't be affected by frost or cooler than normal temperatures.  They are less productive when the temperature is above 70 degrees and work better in cool temps.

Now there are still many other seeds that I need to get in the ground and as long as the weather cooperates I should complete all the rest by the end of the week.  I would like to get my spinach, broccoli, and brussel sprouts into the ground as soon as possible.  I like to have spinach with salads and different sandwiches and getting them planted in the ground sooner I will be able to enjoy the flavor of spinach sooner as well.

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