Thursday, July 26, 2018

Onions Up and Done With Corn and Others on the Way

My onions were picked a week or two ago and I needed to dry them before they can be used.  I dried them outside for about a week or so.  They were dry enough on Tuesday and that is when I decided to bring them in for the first time.  Just about thirty pounds was picked in total along with 170 total onions that were picked from the soil.  This was definitely a good harvest this season for onions.

Corn is very close to harvesting and within a few days or so the majority of them should be ready for serving.  I only got a couple of them so far and these were most likely the early ones that you have every season.  Once most of them are ready I will probably pick them all in one day or within a couple of days consecutively. 


Beans is another vegetable that happened to be ready for harvesting.  Unlike corn I was able to pick quite a few beans for the first of the season.  Approximately three pounds was gathered from all the vines that are growing outside.  Although there are not as many beans growing this was a good number for the start of the bean harvest.  I hope to get many more in the real near future.

Pole Beans

Pumpkins, melons, tomatoes, and more are beginning to show the fruits of my labor.  I have many tomatoes that are growing and they are sure starting to turn with cherry and Roma most likely the first to the dinner table.

I think the next vegetables that I will be picking include cucumbers and or peppers.  I have a cucumber that is just about ready, but I want to leave out there for another day or two.  I don’t want to pick it too soon before I have a chance to add lime to the soil.  I don’t want to pick this cucumber and have it taste bitter. 

Melons will most likely be last along with the pumpkins that I have out there.  Only a couple of melons and a few pumpkins are growing for the moment.  The only thing that I am waiting for are my eggplants to begin showing signs of harvest material.  They do have flowers which are a good sign and hopefully they will begin producing fruit in the near future.
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Many Fruits and Vegetables Appearing on Most Plants and Vines

It looks like this is the month for harvesting which may include tomatoes, beans, zucchini, melons, and many more.  At the moment I will be definitely harvesting zucchini, onions, corn, beans, and possibly cherry tomatoes.  All the others I might not be picking this month, but most likely in the month of August at the latest.

First on the list is between zucchini and onions.  Since most of my onion plants have fallen over this is the sign that I use when it is time to pull them from the soil.  I would say that my onions are going to be the next harvested vegetable from my garden.  Although I don’t use them right away because I let them dry in the hot sun, my zucchinis may be the first to be used for a meal sooner.


I have a few plants that have zucchini vegetables on them.  The earlier planted zucchini plants will have the first crack at harvesting.  The seeds that were planted a little bit later will obviously take just a little bit longer for some vegetables to be growing from them.


My pole beans are also on the list to be harvested very soon.  Some of the vines already have beans that are ready for picking which is quite soon for them.  The other vines are still in the process of growing and producing flowers and are not ready for harvesting just yet.  I will probably pick all the beans that are ready at the moment in order for the plants to continue producing pods.


Corn is also early this year and is usually picked in August, but this may be due to the new variety that I planted this season.  This is most likely an early picked corn that is growing in the garden right now.  I feel that I will be picking them this month at the latest.


Tomatoes I am also looking forward to because I have many plants this season and I might have enough to last a little bit longer than usual.  I also use many of them for sauces and salsas so none of these tomatoes will be wasted.  Whatever is not used for sauce will be used for sandwiches or salads.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

It Looks Like Blueberry Season is in Full Force

Today was a good day to start picking some more blueberries from the garden.  Most of the time the month of July is when you need to start picking them because many of them should be ripe by this time.  It is not uncommon to start picking them at the end of June, but this year it looks like they were not ready enough for harvesting until July.  The good news is that I picked much more today than I did in my very first blueberry harvest.

Five and a quarter pounds is what I got today and the first harvest was barely a pound if not a little bit less.  I still have plenty of berries out there and I should be able to have a couple more harvests with plenty of berries. 


Unripe Blueberries

My tomato plants are looking good with plenty of tomatoes growing on them at the moment.  Cherry tomatoes are usually the first to be picked, but I actually had a Roma tomato growing on one of my plants since I placed them in the garden.  This year I am not sure if I will be picking a Roma for the first harvest or a cherry tomato like usual.

Roma Tomato

Cherry Tomatoes

Normally my zucchini plants have already started growing on my plants, but since I planted them a little bit late they are getting their flowers late as well.  They are now just showing signs of flowers of both male and female.  Only one plant looks promising that I could be picking a zucchini very soon as long as this flower was pollinated.

Small Possible Zucchini

My rhubarb plant that I added to the garden this season is doing quite well even though it is quite hot right now.  I still won’t be picking any of the stems this year, but I am hopeful that next year I will be able to pick at least a few of them to do something with.  It takes at least one cold winter to get them producing many delicious stems year after year.
