Thursday, July 5, 2018

It Looks Like Blueberry Season is in Full Force

Today was a good day to start picking some more blueberries from the garden.  Most of the time the month of July is when you need to start picking them because many of them should be ripe by this time.  It is not uncommon to start picking them at the end of June, but this year it looks like they were not ready enough for harvesting until July.  The good news is that I picked much more today than I did in my very first blueberry harvest.

Five and a quarter pounds is what I got today and the first harvest was barely a pound if not a little bit less.  I still have plenty of berries out there and I should be able to have a couple more harvests with plenty of berries. 


Unripe Blueberries

My tomato plants are looking good with plenty of tomatoes growing on them at the moment.  Cherry tomatoes are usually the first to be picked, but I actually had a Roma tomato growing on one of my plants since I placed them in the garden.  This year I am not sure if I will be picking a Roma for the first harvest or a cherry tomato like usual.

Roma Tomato

Cherry Tomatoes

Normally my zucchini plants have already started growing on my plants, but since I planted them a little bit late they are getting their flowers late as well.  They are now just showing signs of flowers of both male and female.  Only one plant looks promising that I could be picking a zucchini very soon as long as this flower was pollinated.

Small Possible Zucchini

My rhubarb plant that I added to the garden this season is doing quite well even though it is quite hot right now.  I still won’t be picking any of the stems this year, but I am hopeful that next year I will be able to pick at least a few of them to do something with.  It takes at least one cold winter to get them producing many delicious stems year after year.


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