Wednesday, August 1, 2018

It is Summertime and Ears of Corn are Ready

It wouldn’t be summer without having corn on the cob.  Yesterday was a good day for harvesting much of my corn that I have planted this year.  I would say that I harvested at least half of the ears that were growing on the stalks and there are still many more that need to be picked.  I plan to pick many more sometime this week at the latest.

Thirty pounds of corn is definitely a good amount coming from about forty to fifty plants.  I could have picked a little bit more, but then I would have had some that were not quite ripe enough for eating.  I would say that there are a couple dozen of them still out there that are waiting to be picked very soon.


Then there were my cucumbers that I just noticed were definitely not going to get any bigger sitting on the vine.  Two of them from two different vines were ready to be picked so I made sure that I cut them off and brought them inside.  I ate one of them already in a simple salad that I had for dinner.  After my dinner I had some of my corn that was amazingly delicious.


Along with the salad there were three cherry tomatoes that I had also picked from the garden.  Not many are that ripe yet, but I am sure in the next few weeks or days hundreds of them will start ripening all at once.  So far I have only picked three cherry tomatoes for the season.

Cherry Tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes were not the only tomatoes that happened to be ready to be picked.  I had one Roma tomato from one of my plants that was grown quite early.  It started ripening about a week or so ago and yesterday it was time to take it off the bush.

Roma Tomato

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