Monday, March 9, 2020

Set up Trays for Some More Indoor Planting

As you know I have planted some containers full of dill, alyssum, and some wildflowers.  I also have some lettuce and spinach growing in the cool cellar under lights.  These are the only plants I have growing indoors as of yesterday.  I decided that yesterday was a perfect time to start planting many more seeds that I need to give a head start.

Getting most of my plants into the windowsill for maximum light exposure which all my flowers need before going outside.  It has been some warm days recently and I probably could have put my spinach, lettuce, and all cool weather plants outside.  Instead I kept them inside under lights for now.  It won’t be too long until I set up my table and start bringing all kinds of plants outdoors.

I have a tray that has 72 cells where I can start planting all kinds of seeds.  I have many types of peppers that I needed to plant yesterday and these cells definitely came in handy for this reason.  I have literally five different varieties that I am looking forward to grow especially all the spicy peppers.  I even planted some of the sweeter ones as well which make for great salads and sauces.  The hot types will be used mainly for salsa hopefully.

I also have another tray full of other vegetables and some flowers.  I knew I wanted to get eggplant started and hopefully don’t grow so many plants as last year.  Six small containers are what I stuck with this year and that should be plenty of plants as long as the seeds sprout in the soil.  Some sun king hybrid broccoli is what I plan on growing the whole season so I planted some of these seeds in containers.
containers with seeds planted
I also bought some more raspberries this year and looking forward to planting them in the garden.  I need to place them in a tray of water in order to get them out of their dormant state before planting them in a container or the ground.  Once they start growing roots and producing leaves I can then take them out of the tray and get them ready for soil.

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