Thursday, October 6, 2022

Coming to the End of the Season with Very Few Summer Crops Left

 Now that the weather is starting to get cooler and the sun setting much earlier the garden season of 2022 is coming to a close.  The good news is that I still have spring crops which lasted all the way through the hot summer and are still producing good crops.  I have broccoli, brussel sprouts, and kale growing in the garden, and I have some radishes that I had planted in my onion totes.  All of these plants thrive in the cooler weather and now that fall is just about here I may be picking more leaves and harvests from all these plants.

A frost has yet arrived which means the summer isn't over and I am still picking tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and even potatoes.   Right now cucumbers, zucchini, and corn is definitely over for the season.  I had a good harvest from all of them and with just a couple of zucchini plants I was able to get some large fruit from them.  I actually planted them quite late and wasn't certain I was going to get anything from them, but in the end I got more than I had imagined for this year.


Eggplants are still thriving and have been picking them on a consistent basis since the beginning of September.  This is probably one of the best harvests of eggplants that I have ever had with only a dozen plants or so.  They are very large this season as well which was partly due to the hot weather we had.


Potatoes I had started picking last week after a long summer for these plants they finally began to turn brown which is the sign I look for when it's time for digging these vegetables up from the ground.  I had a poor Yukon gold harvest, but my Kennebec potatoes came out really well.  In total  I harvested about 28 pounds from my very first harvest of the season and I still have about six or so Kennebec plants still to be dug up.  These plants were not quite ready and they were still green in color and didn't want to dig them up until they started turning brown.   


Some of the potatoes started coming up from the ground and made sure to cover them up otherwise these potatoes would not be safe to eat.  When exposed to the sun they create a poisonous chemical which turns the potato green and is not safe to eat at all which is why you must keep an eye on your potatoes and make sure they are always covered or protected from sunlight exposure.

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