Thursday, March 20, 2014

Bought More Seeds That Will Assist in Successful Sprouting

It is always important to have your seeds indoors or outdoors sprout otherwise you will not have a very good gardening season.  That is one reason that you should always purchase new seeds for the year.  I sometimes don't follow this rule myself and I tend to use seeds that are two years old at the most. 

If you are going to use older seeds I would recommend planting a high volume of seeds per row or per pot depending if you are planting them inside or outside.  Instead of one to three seeds in each pot I would at least double it to achieve the sprouting that is required.

The oldest seeds I had will be replaced with the new seeds that I recently purchased from Burpee.  For instance the cucumbers and peppers I had were at least three years old.  I decided to replace them and get some new ones that will be directly grown outside if the ones I planted do not grow.  It isn't a big deal because I can always perform the task of growing them outside which will work just as good.

Some flowers were also purchased because you can never have too many flowers.  Flowers are perfect for bees and other insects that could help out your garden.  For instance calendula and alyssum were on the list for this year.  I even added some queen anne's lace along with statice which can be a great addition since these flowers are rich in nectar which insects and bees need.

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