Monday, March 10, 2014

Indoor Planting is Important Right Now

If you want to succeed at gardening, then one important aspect of it is actually planting seeds indoors just before the weather gets warm.  In particular watermelon is one that you can start indoors today.  I just planted sunflowers, alyssum, dill, queen annes lace, and watermelon to start off the garden season.  The flowers are mainly for attracting bees and beneficial insects. 

The watermelon on the other hand is to give them a head start because they take such a long time to mature that you need to utilize this time by growing them earlier.  I start them now and I live in a temperate climate so if you happen to be located in this type of climate I would recommend growing them inside today.  Try placing them in a warm spot such as a windowsill or you could also put them under a flourescent light to get them sprouting soon.

This is just some ideas that you should be utilizing and I do the same thing.  If you want to know more about this you can find out more on my blog.

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