Monday, March 17, 2014

What are Some More Fruits, Vegetables, and Flowers You Can Grow Indoors?

For those people looking to start growing more plants in their home or greenhouse, then this simple post is for you.  There are many plants that you could start growing inside to get them their headstart, but only a few are best since they make take some time to grow.

A few that I chose to grow recently would include cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and cantaloupes.  These three plants are what I decided to cultivate indoors because I find melons take a while to grow outside and can take longer if you don't have any bees pollinating the fruits.  I like to make sure that I have some extra time just in case these things happen.

To help in attracting bees you will need to make certain that you have the right flowers growing at the same time as well.  This time I chose cosmos, calendula, and amaranthus.  These are just a few more plants that you can easily start growing at home beginning today.

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