Monday, November 3, 2014

Some More Pole Beans and All Pumpkins Harvested

I decided that I would wait until the day before Halloween to pick all the pumpkins that I grew this summer.  They usually are able to last through the outside elements due to their tough skin.  This past Thursday I went outside and picked all six of them and it wasn't that difficult.  The plants were dead at this point and all I had to do was break them of the vine.

I also carved a couple of them for the holiday using a simple tracing pattern that you can purchase in any store.  I think they came out pretty good.

Today I also picked the very last of the pole beans that have been producing beans until the end of the season.  I was surprised that they would last this long since they started out very poorly in the very beginning of the season.

The plants are dead so I am sure that I will not be getting any more beans.  Here you can see for yourself.

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