Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Last of The Season for Pole Beans and The Garden

Last week I picked some more pole beans that have been growing over the past month or so.  Most of the small beans that had started growing in the beginning of October have finally reached a good size for them to be harvested. 

I actually didn't think there was going to be enough to fill up one container since the previous harvests of pole beans didn't yield as much.  To my surprise four containers were needed to collect all the ripe pole beans that were ready for eating.  This pretty much marked the end of these beans for the season.  Now it is time for cleaning up the garden.

It was more like three and a half containers that were completely filled of pole beans.  They weighed over ten pounds and there was about a few hundred of them that needed to be canned for the Winter season.  Now I can enjoy them all the way up to next years harvest.

Cleaning has began a couple days ago with the removal of tomato plants and stakes.  This usually doesn't take that long and only a couple of hours at the most. 

Most of the stakes from my tomatoes and the plants have been removed.  I placed all the plants in the totes for them to be discarded or used for compost for next season.

As you can see in the background I still have my pumpkins out in the garden and haven't yet picked them.  I will most likely pick them before Halloween which is coming up this Friday.  I always like to have at least one pumpkin that will be carved and placed on the windowsill.  This is something that I like to do every year.

Cabbage plants are what I am going to be doing this fall.  Many of them are growing quite well for the lack of attention that I gave them this year.  Usually in the summer you just have to keep the soil moist for the most part.  Once the cooler weather comes then watering usually doesn't become a problem.

With the continuous rain that we have got this past month I will not have to water them for the rest of the year or until I harvest them in November hopefully.  It would be great if I could cut them at the same time that I dig up my carrots near Thanksgiving.

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