Monday, October 6, 2014

Collected More Pole Beans and Two Eggplants This Week

This past week had been quite uneventful with all the rain that we received and my plants desperately needed.  After the rain they usually grow quite well and I checked out the garden and found that my plants were doing just that.

My pole beans are producing many flowers even in the cooler month of October and they are creating many more beans which I will pick by the end of this week as long as the weather cooperates.  It is supposed to be sunny so I hope that I can pick some more pole beans to make a meal into like I did today.

Here I took a picture of the few pole beans that were ready today.

Just think a couple months ago I was harvesting about five of these per week.  Now the vines have slowed down mainly due to the weather because now it is getting cooler for them especially at night when the temperatures drop into the high 40's. 

Eggplants are still growing and now they are basically in the ripening phase.  Most of them are pretty much done, but I am leaving them out there so that I don't have to have five of them in the refrigerator.  When I use one then I will pick another one and so on.

I picked the one above today and the one below this past week when it wasn't raining.

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