Thursday, April 7, 2016

My Spinach Plants are Ready for Garden Transplanting

I was definitely a little bit late this year in placing my spinach plants into the garden and it was mainly due to the strange weather we had.  It was beginning to get warm with signs of spring in the air and then a sharp cold blast along with rain came through and messed up my schedule.

I had originally planned on putting my plants in the ground this past weekend and would have been perfect timing.  I knew I had to get them in the ground as quick as possible because they were starting to get a little bit pot bound.  A few of them have actually started bolting and are now useless plants that will no longer grow any leaves.

Thankfully that was only a couple of plants at the most and hopefully I placed them in the garden before they all start to bolt.  Today it is supposed to rain so that might help the roots to start spreading in all directions.  Once we get some good days of full sun then the leaves should start growing quite well and I can then harvest them for as long as possible.

Here is one of the plants that actually started bolting this year.

I still transplanted it into the ground regardless because I had already created a hole for it and I did not want it to go to waste.  Once these plants bolt that is when you know the cold plant season is over.  Hopefully I will get some good harvests from my other plants that are still in good shape.

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