Monday, August 29, 2016

Honeydew Melon for the First Time

This was the first year that I tried honeydew melons and it was a pretty good year for them.  Even though only one out of four plants survived I still think that it was a good year with the first honeydew melon that I picked today.  I have been growing melons for a long time and mainly cantaloupe and watermelons.  Since these are all melons they will pretty much need the same care as one another.  Adding another melon was just a simple step and nothing too major.

 It is a good size, but I am more concerned about the taste of the melon.  As long as it is sweet and juicy like a melon should taste, then I will be happy with this years melon harvest.

Four more peppers added to the list today.  There were only four to pick this afternoon and I didn't want to pick any that were not ready for consumption.  I like to leave them out until they have grown to their maximum size and then harvest them.  Today I found a couple that were beginning to go from green to red.  This is when I know I left them on the plant too long.

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