Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Melons are done and Ready for Harvesting

The only large fruit that was left from the summer were my watermelons.  It was that time this week to finally pick them from the vine.  They had been left outside long enough and they should be ripe inside once I cut them to see for sure.  All my melons are now done and all that is left are some remaining cherry tomatoes and peppers.

While I was outside I thought it would be prudent to continue picking some cherry tomatoes that were left on several of the plants.  Many of them are still green and just some sunlight to turn them red is what I am waiting for.  There were a few that were ready for picking and that is what I did this week.

Peppers on the other hand will probably last a little bit longer at the moment.  They have several fruit on the plants and I think I have many more pepper harvests in the near future.  Once a frost comes then it will be the end of these plants and the entire garden for the most part.

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