I placed them in the ground today because they were starting to grow right through the peat pots and some of the leaves were beginning to turn a light yellow. I like to place them in the ground with all the leaves green or at least most of them.
Beans have also been planted recently and they have already began to sprout. I have already set up the trellis that I use every season and the way they are growing I will have to place the ropes on the trellis very soon.
My strawberry plants are growing well and some of them are already getting runners. Most of the plants are also producing flowers and some even are getting berries. It won’t be long before they get bigger and start to turn red for a June harvest.
Blueberries are also on the way to ripening now that I have placed a net over them I can now wait for them to ripen in the sun. They are still small at the moment, but I think they might be ready at the same time as my strawberries possibly. I would say in a month the first harvest of blueberries will be ready.
Last but not least my tomatoes were definitely ready to be placed in the ground. They were getting pot bound in the containers I placed them in so I put them in the ground this past week. I will have to place stakes around them real soon. I like to place stakes around them when I first put them in the ground so that I don’t damage the roots. I think a few days after will not hurt them.