Sunday, May 27, 2018

More seeds and Transplants Placed Into the Garden

I have finished my vegetable and fruit transplants except for a couple of lettuce plants and my rhubarb that I plan on placing in the garden real soon.  Weather and temperatures are getting warmer and it was time to get my eggplant, melons, and pepper transplants into the ground.

I placed them in the ground today because they were starting to grow right through the peat pots and some of the leaves were beginning to turn a light yellow.  I like to place them in the ground with all the leaves green or at least most of them.

Beans have also been planted recently and they have already began to sprout.  I have already set up the trellis that I use every season and the way they are growing I will have to place the ropes on the trellis very soon.

Bean Sprouting Plant

My strawberry plants are growing well and some of them are already getting runners.  Most of the plants are also producing flowers and some even are getting berries.  It won’t be long before they get bigger and start to turn red for a June harvest.

Strawberry Plant Flowers

Blueberries are also on the way to ripening now that I have placed a net over them I can now wait for them to ripen in the sun.  They are still small at the moment, but I think they might be ready at the same time as my strawberries possibly.  I would say in a month the first harvest of blueberries will be ready.

Small Blueberries on Bush

Last but not least my tomatoes were definitely ready to be placed in the ground.  They were getting pot bound in the containers I placed them in so I put them in the ground this past week.  I will have to place stakes around them real soon.  I like to place stakes around them when I first put them in the ground so that I don’t damage the roots.  I think a few days after will not hurt them.

Transplanted Tomato Plant
Sunday, May 6, 2018

Lots of Transplanting and Lots of Seed Planting

This week was a week full of seed planting and transplanting of many plants and seeds.  I began with obviously seeds that were made for cooler and spring type weather such as broccoli, spinach, and lettuce.  I wanted to get as many seeds into the ground as possible before the warm and hotter weather arrives which should come in a couple of months or so.  Two full rows of seeds should provide a good amount vegetables if they all sprout.

Seed Planting Rows

Transplanting both flowers, broccoli, and brussel sprouts I had to finish today.  I started with my flowers since they are much easier to transplant into the ground.  I placed them in between the two rows above and between the two rows of corn that I planted a couple of days ago.

Transplanted Dill
Above is just some dill that I have planted into the garden and I also put both alyssum and wildflowers into the garden as well.  Some of them between corn rows and some between my spring crop rows.

Although it is still spring it was time to get as many corn seeds into the garden as possible.  Two full rows will provide enough corn that I need to enjoy when they start producing some time July and into August weather permitting. 

Rows of Corn
Thinning out plants is an important part of gardening and that is what I did with my radishes and my pea plants that I had planted back in April.  They were starting to crowd each other and that will cause some issues in the future if you do not remove all the plants but one in a bunch.  I plant the seeds in bunches and if they all sprout they will crowd up all around each other and that is when you start thinning them out.

Pea Plant

Radish Plant
The last thing I did today was getting all of my transplanted broccoli and brussel sprouts into the garden right next to my spring crop.  I wasn't sure if I was going to plant them today, but I decided that getting them into the garden as soon as possible was the best possible way to get them out of the way.  This way I don't have to think about them later on and is one less plant that I need to transplant into the garden.

Brussel Sprout Plant

Broccoli Plant
So far this is all I have done in the past week and hope to get some more plants into the garden with the next couple of weeks or so.  I will probably start planting some of my squash seeds indoors including pumpkins and zucchini.  I also have some flowers that need to get outside in the near future once they get a little bit bigger.  I have been placing my tomatoes, melons, eggplant, and peppers outside to harden them off in order to get used to the weather.  It was a little cool today so I left them inside for the moment and hope to put them back outside this week again.