Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Adding One More Tote for My Spring Season Onions

This year was a good idea to add another tote for my onions this season because I decided to use more totes for planting red onions.  They were a great addition to the garden last year and I thought it would be good use more totes to plant them.  That is why I only added one for the moment making the total of totes 10.  I will now use four for my red onions and six for my yellow onions.

I am hoping that these onions will be just as good as the ones I picked last season and will last just as long in storage.  The last red onion was used less than a month ago which means that these onions can last quite awhile if stored properly.  Right now I will be using non garden onions for at least a few months or until I pick a new batch of them.
Red Onion Planted

Yellow Onions Planted

Now that I have planted onions I think it is time to get my peas and radishes into the ground.  I probably should have planted them sooner since it might rain tomorrow which will give them one less day of growing.  I would like to till the section where they are going to be planted, but with the rain tomorrow will make the ground soggy and will not be advisable to till when this happens.  I will just have to plant them without tilling.

More plants are going to be planted inside as well because I have many flowers that need to get into pots not to mention all my other edible foods.  I have not planted watermelon which I love to get a head start and really needs one.  My eggplants also take awhile to grow along with peppers, cucumbers, pickles, cantaloupe, honeydew, and much more.

At the moment my spring plants are doing quite well and with this rain occurring tomorrow possibly it will definitely help them out.  I have been leaving them outside for the past couple of days even though it is sill cool.  They are taking to the weather quite well and they will probably stay outside from now until the warm weather makes them go to seed.

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