Thursday, August 1, 2019

What Should I be Harvesting This Month?

At the end of July I got started on picking my red onions.  Then once my yellow onion stems began falling down it was time to start removing them from the totes.  Once they dry I will start using them for as long as I can or as long as they do not rot.  It was then time for my potatoes which I grew successfully this season.  Today I picked several ears of corn that were ready from the garden.

I planted many onions these year including four totes of red onions and six totes of yellow onions.  I had already picked my red ones in the middle of July because the stems were falling and they weren’t getting any bigger.  My yellow onions on the other hand needed some more time before I could pick them from the soil.

Once the end of July cam around I could see that the stems of my yellow onions were beginning to fall over signaling that they were done growing.  It didn’t take long to take them out of the soil, but it will definitely take some time for them to finally dry in the sun.  Since there are many onions it will take a little bit longer for them to dry, but as long as we keep getting these hot days I am sure they will be ready sometime this month.

After I got all my onions out of the soil I turned towards my potato plants.  The plants themselves had stopped growing and turned brown and wilted away.  Since the plants were no more it was pointless to keep watering them and leaving the potatoes in the ground.  I dug them all up and filled up my five gallon bucket with potatoes from the garden.  They were all different sizes, but they all look very good for eating.

five gallon bucket filled with potatoes

 The ears of corn I picked were from this evening.  I had picked a few in the beginning of the week, but most of them only needed a couple more days for them to be ripe enough for picking.  I gave all the others until today and I started picking all the ones that looked like and felt like that were ready.  Only one type of corn was picked toady, and the others will be picked most likely this weekend or next week at the latest.

first corn of the season picked

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