Thursday, August 6, 2020

Changing of the Season Means New Harvests to Come

Now that most of my spring crops are done except for broccoli it is time to move onto the summer harvests that include pretty much everything in the garden right now.  Today I had a few harvests to do which include tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, beans, corn, and some broccoli.  Broccoli is the only spring crop that is left still producing vegetables that are good to pick.

When it is time to start picking tomatoes that is when you know you are at the peak of summer or getting close to the peak harvest season.  Right now I have plenty of cherry tomatoes, but they just have not turned red yet.  They are not quite ready to harvest, but a couple of plants do have some older fruit that have turned and enjoyed them in a salad a couple of days ago.  Those were the very first cherry tomatoes of the season so far.

A couple of days ago I also picked a couple of Roma and beefsteak tomatoes.  I like picking them just before they turn red because just before red they seem to last longer and are much more firm than if you were to pick them when they are bright red.  You could also pick them sooner and then place them on the window to continue ripening if you prefer.  Sometimes tomatoes that are not close to ripe drop on the ground and those I would place on the windowsill to hopefully ripen enough for consumption.

Two Beefsteak Tomatoes

Two Roma Tomatoes Harvested

Corn is also another summer crop that happens to be ready around the begging of August and sometimes the end of July.  A couple of weeks ago some of the corn was ready and I began picking some of them.  I grew two types of strands of corn and for now only one of the types is ready for picking while the other still has a little bit more time to develop until it is ready to pick.  I would say another week or so and that corn will be ready.

I also plan to pick my onions and potatoes hopefully this weekend.  They are pretty much done and they are no longer growing or staying green.  This is the perfect time to start digging them up from the ground and enjoy their great flavor.

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