Friday, February 19, 2021

What Have I decided for the Springtime Crop for 2021?

 For the springtime I normally stick to cool weather crops because they happen to thrive better in the climate I live in.  The spring is also a good time to get my flowers ready which are great for attracting insects.  In a month or so I will start growing flowers and other vegetables that I will be planting for the summer, but for now I am just getting started with kale, spinach, and lettuce.

I have started with just sixteen pots and seedlings that will be under lights for about a month or so until the weather gets a little bit warmer and I can start placing them outside and benefit from the sunlight.  Since these are cool weather plants I can probably place them outside sooner because they thrive much better in cool temperatures and cooler climates.  At the moment it is still winter time and too cold for even spinach to survive outdoors.


PVC pipe sections used for only planting spinach seeds

while these seeds are being planted indoors this doesn't mean that this all my springtime plants that I will have growing in the garden.  I also will be planting potatoes, onions, peas, radishes, and possibly some sun king broccoli that can grow through the entire summer.  I haven't decided whether I will be growing broccoli or not, but it is something that I will be contemplating this month before I start tilling and planting seeds directly outdoors.


I also have not decided on a new plant or crop to start this season.  Normally I like to pick something new that I have not planted before each season.  This season I am not quite sure what would be very interesting to start growing for the first time.  I have thought about maybe planting some raspberries, but I am not sure if I have enough room for them.  I am hopefully looking forward to finally getting my grape plants into the ground after leaving them in large buckets for the past couple of years.


I will still be looking around for something new, but at the moment I don't have any ideas on what that new crop will be.   I still have plenty of time to decide, so I am not too worried that I won't find anything that catches my eye.

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