Tuesday, June 14, 2022

No Time to Waste and Start Gardening

 Proper temperatures are here, the sun is shining, and flowers are blooming.  It is now time for gardening and getting all your plants and seeds into the ground and uncover plants from the winter season.  I spent the past couple of weeks planting seeds and transplanting many of my plants into the garden including potatoes, corn, tomatoes, kale, cucumbers, broccoli, and much more.  Due to the cold temperatures in the beginning of the spring season I had to catch up before I got too far behind.

I actually got most of my plants and seeds into the garden and finished up yesterday.  I still have other seeds that need to be planted such as my beans and carrots, but I will have to do it this coming weekend.  I still have to set up my bean trellis which is crucial if I want to have a good pole bean harvest.  

Setting up my tomatoes took a couple of days with digging holes for the posts that I will use to stake the plants and keep them from falling over and laying on the ground.  Then I had to dig holes for the plants themselves, and then finally actually transplanting them into the garden.  I have found that by putting the posts in first it makes planting them much easier and I can get them closer to the posts in order to make staking them a breeze.  

One of two tomato trees planted this season

I haven't done any harvesting except for my strawberries which has been quite exceptional this year for a change.  Most of my plants survived the winter season and they came back without having to remove the straw from my plants.  I still need to weed them and go through removing the runners to prevent them from crowding other plants and the rows.  

Last year I removed much of the plants that were on top of each other and place new or young ones to take their place and this seems to have paid off.  With over 20 pounds of strawberries picked so far I think it was worth the effort.  I still have many more to pick as well.

14 pounds of strawberries

 Yesterday I was able to get a couple seeds of melons and squash into the ground before it was too late to plant them.  I was quite late this season especially when it comes to melons and squash.  I didn't get to plant pumpkins, but I am not worried because I can still do that this weekend at the latest.  I will just have to find some room before it will be too late.

I wanted to take advantage of the rain that we got today and that is why I wanted to get all my seeds and transplants into the ground before today.  Yesterday I finished adding eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, squash seeds, melon seeds, and some flower seeds into the garden.

Progress of pepper plants

Just transplanted eggplants into the garden.


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