Thursday, May 18, 2017

Garden Soil Ready for Transplanting

I just finished tilling the rest of the garden today and I only started yesterday doing as much as I could.  Luckily weather was really good today and needed to complete tilling the whole garden in order to place my plants in the soil.

I wasn't able to put my plants in the soil just yet, but I did start digging holes for them which is what I like to do before moving plants into the garden.  Not all the holes are ready for all of my plants, but I did get the majority of them ready for when I begin transplanting them.

I also made sure that I stayed away from my spring crops which are still growing and are continuing the produce a decent harvest.  I have only picked my lettuce so far, but they are still producing leaves which I should begin picking more of them sometime soon.

The leaves on this plant are fine it just has some apple blossom petals on it which make it look kind of weird.  Unfortunately there is a tree next to it which I cannot do anything about and the petals fall in the garden.  I should soon pick some more of these leaves along with many others very soon.

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