Monday, March 31, 2014

Placing Your Spinach Outside Beginning Today

I have recently described the important process of hardening your spinach plants and acclimating them to the weather in your area.  Today I want to let you know that I have placed all of them outside to get them ready for living outside in the garden until the harvest is over. 

Placing them outside is very easy and it doesn't take that much time as long as you have the proper temperatures that they can thrive in.  Luckily this entire week is supposed to get warmer which will allow the spinach plants to thrive in.  Temperatures at night hit a low that is just above 30 degrees Fahrenheit which is still within the threshold that these plants can tolerate.

If you are concerned about a quick freeze or a frost then you can easily bring them inside for the night and protect them from these temperatures.  A frost will easily wipe out your entire spinach harvest if they are exposed to it for any length of time.  Luckily for us spinach is very tolerant of low temperatures and can be placed outside earlier than what most people would think.

This is what I did to get them exposed to the outside environment:

Half of them are small while the other half look like they are ready to be placed into the garden.  This is because I had an additional planting that needed to be completed shortly after initially planting them.  I thought I had enough seeds that would have sprouted successfully, but this was not the case.  Instead I had to use the pots that did not sprout any spinach for another set.  Other than that I have had no set backs so far.

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