Monday, March 12, 2018

Getting Some More Flowers Seeds Planted Indoors

I have many different flower seeds this season that I need to get planted as soon as possible.  My flowers are always the first to be placed outside so that they can produce flowers right away and continue blooming all season long.  Right now I have about nine seed packets that are only flowers and have begun planting a few of them inside.

My wildflowers that I tried last year are one of my favorites and have worked quite well along with my others that I grow each season.  They were able to attract many different butterflies, insects, bees, and much more.  Unfortunately I didn’t get any hummingbirds which was disappointing, but I plan on growing these seeds once again for their great benefits.

Planting Wildflower Seeds

I also have some cosmos and cilantro that need to be planted as well.  Although cilantro is an herb it does produce a flower similar to dill and Queen Anne’s lace which is beneficial to attracting appropriate types of insects and bees. 

I usually don’t do well with Queen Anne’s lace and will probably have to thin out the plants so that one plant will be transplanted into the garden instead of a bunch of them which I like to do with alyssum and dill.  Luckily I get wild Queen Anne’s lace which happens to grow around the garden and attracts exactly what I am looking for each season.

I don’t know when I will begin planting more fruits and vegetables, but I think I will have to at least start my melons rather soon.  They take the longest to mature along with eggplants and I will have to start them indoors.  They need the earliest start possible and that means most likely growing them under fluorescent lights for a short time before the weather warms up and the sun is out longer.

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