Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Tomato Seeds Now Planted Indoors With Others To Come

I just finished planting my tomato seeds this week and they are placed underneath lights to get them started a little bit faster.  Right now the weather has been quite cloudy and they would probably normally take twice as long if I were to put them in the windowsill.

Right now most of my seeds that I have planted have began to germinate and sprout.  Some of them are growing quite well and my second planting of flower seeds have also poked through the soil.  I need to start planting melons and eggplants since these plants take awhile to mature I want to give a good head start this season.  I hope to plant them sometime this week.  They too will be placed under fluorescent lights for the start they need.

Not much has changed in the tomato seed planting and I decided to do five seeds of cherry and steakhouse with 24 Roma seeds.  This should give me a minimum of 34 tomato plants with plenty of room to plant all my other fruits and vegetables.

Containers With Tomato Seeds

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