Thursday, March 7, 2019

What I Plan on Doing for the 2019 Gardening Season

This year I am hoping to be growing many new variety of plants and adding some brand new plants into the garden.  I am looking to have a much larger spring crop than usual which could include seeds such as cabbage, broccoli, and seven different types of lettuce, peas, radishes, and many more for this year’s springtime.

Along with new seeds and varieties I am also looking to grow some new plants this season too.  I was thinking about trying potatoes again but getting them from a local store instead of ordering them from a catalog.  I thought I would try something different in order to get a different outcome this season.

I am looking at possibly adding raspberries and maybe grapes into the garden.  I will most likely plant raspberries, but for grapes I am still up in the air about them.  Although they are a little bit more work it would definitely be worth all the trouble in the end.

I even thought about growing a fruit tree such as an apple or a peach tree.  There was one particular peach tree that actually grows five different types of peaches which can be picked at different times throughout the year.  The theory behind this is that you can pick them all year long instead of one large harvest and then done for the year.  I am still thinking about this as well.

In terms of seeds I have several varieties of lettuce that I plan on growing which includes all four types romaine, iceberg, butterhead, and looseleaf.  With seven different types of seeds I should be able to get a decent crop as long as the weather isn’t too bad.  I will most likely start these plants indoors before putting them outside this year.

Last year I just planted them directly into the soil and I did get some lettuce for picking, but they didn’t do as well as a transplant does.  I plan on planting much more of my seeds indoors instead of directly sowing them into the soil.  This is the best way to get a good start to the growing season in my opinion.  Let’s have a good gardening season for 2019.

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