Sunday, April 6, 2014

An Update on My Gardening Progress

It has been a couple of days since I last wrote a post about how my gardening is coming along.  The last two days were quite busy and I wanted to let you know what I have done. 

Cleaning up the garden was the very first thing I accomplished because it is time to start planting the spinach into the ground.  If you leave them in the container too long they might begin to bolt and this is not something that you want to happen because this means the end of the harvest.  Not only that but temperatures are begin to rise and they need to get in the ground right away so that we can take advantage of them.  This will all be happening tomorrow.

Since weather is getting warmer it is now time to start placing plants outside for the daytime sunlight.  They are in the windowsill getting some sunlight, but if you put them outside they will receive more sunlight and they will start to harden off.  This process is very important and all your plants will have to go through and why not do it as early as possible. 

So far my plants are doing pretty good (knock on wood) and they seem to be enjoying the containers that they are placed in.  Here are a few pictures that I took that I think you would enjoy.

The pumpkins that sprout very quickly have began to surface.
Here is how the flowers I first grew are doing.

This is just a simple update on the progress of most of my plants.  I will bring more updates in the future so make certain that you keep in touch with this blog.

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