Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Harvesting of Spinach Leaves Has Begun

If you thought that I forget about my spinach plants, then you though wrong because I have been keeping an eye on them for the right time for harvesting.  I took a look at them recently and I saw that many of the outer leaves have stopped growing.  This is the first sign that I look for when it is time to cut them as soon as possible.

I love eating larger spinach leaves rather than cutting them when they are small.  I think they are more healthier when they are at their peak size and color.  This is just my own opinion, but this is exactly what I do when it comes to picking spinach leaves.

Now that I have picked my first spinach leaves I find that it is a good idea to weed around the plants and get the soil loosened.  This provides the plant with air that it had been restricted from due to the dirt becoming compacted.

I also wanted to give them some lime that I thought would be necessary to facilitate delicious foliage for the rest of the season.  I also decided on using some wood ash I had collected this year and give it to five of my plants.  This is used by most gardeners and I thought that it might be a good way to help them stay healthy and strong throughout the rest of the season.

Here is what the soil should look like if you have weeded them properly.

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