Monday, May 5, 2014

My Onions and Spinach are Growing Like They Should

Every gardener likes to see positive results from their work that they have put into this hobby.  It is always a sigh of relief when you are not experiencing any difficulties such as diseases, pests problems, or any other type of situation that can occur.  For the most part my onions and spinach leaves are doing quite well.

Even though the temperature has risen over the past week or so they are still thriving with dark green leaves.  A week ago I added some wood ash around my plants to see what would happen when I put them around the weakest plants.  So far the wood ash has proven to be a good supplement for these plants.

A week ago not all the onion bulbs were growing yet.  Only some of them have been sprouting and growing stems.  Now that they have had time to sprout and with the past rain that we received they have been sprouting on a consistent basis.  I would say at least 99% of them have begun to grow stems while only a couple have not.  This is the usual percentage that you should be getting when planting onion bulbs.

As you know I also added some pelleted lime to the onions that will last throughout the rest of their season.  I added them before the rain came because this type of lime is activated whenever rain or water is placed on these pellets.  You can see below that they turned into a fine powder that will be absorbed slowly by all the plants.

Most of the totes look like this but I am not worried because when I start watering them the lime will be pushed down into the soil where the roots can use it.

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