Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Transplanting My Plants Into The Garden This Past Week

I have been extremely busy with the garden and many aspects of it.  For instance this weekend I usually put up the nets for the blueberries along with the strawberries.  They need a net to keep the birds away and so you can salvage your fruit harvest.  They are targets for the birds and putting up a net can be a time consuming and boring process, but it needs to get done.

Along with putting up a net for my fruit plants I also needed to transplant many plants to the garden in their respective holes that were previously dug.  Since putting up nets takes at least a couple of hours I was short on time to get my flowers and vegetable plants where they belong.

Luckily it didn't rain this weekend and there was good weather every day.  Since the weather was good I decided on getting right down to it and planted my tomatoes, sunflowers, alyssum, pumpkins, and zucchini right to the garden soil.

Here is one cherry tomato that I took a picture of marking the first transplant into the garden besides the spinach plants that were done earlier in the season.

A picture of one of the two sunflowers that were placed outside.

Some alyssum that was put into the ground to attract the best insects possible as early as possible.

Last but not least the squash family of plants.

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