Monday, March 23, 2015

Finally My Spinach Seeds and More are Sprouting

I have been waiting about a month to see my spinach seeds to begin to sprout and I checked yesterday and found that some of them were beginning to grow.  It is always exciting to finally to see spinach seeds sprout instead of not doing anything.  I have had that happen before and it is not a good feeling.

Now that they are starting to sprout the gardening season will pick up real quick within a month or so.  Once they reach a certain size I will then bring them outside for awhile and then plant them into the ground.  Lettuce is another cool weather crop that I planted a couple of weeks ago and is also sprouting.  Check them out below.

Basically once I see plants sprouting all the work that I have put into it has not been a waste of time.  This is one of the reasons why planting seeds indoors is very important. 

Most of my beneficial flowers that I grow are growing as well.  The most important ones I would consider crucial include alyssum, dill, and sunflowers.


Alyssum is starting to look good and is beginning to grow rather quickly.

Here are the sunflowers that have sprouted the past couple of weeks or so.

The last thing I want to mention is the planting of cucumbers and cantaloupe.  Two plants that need a head start especially cantaloupe because they are similar to watermelons and are considered melons.

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