Saturday, April 4, 2015

Just Another Day for Planting Onions

The time has come to start planting onions outside now that the weather is starting to warm up enough to plant these bulbs.  It has been warming up above freezing for the past week allowing me to work with the soil stored inside the totes that I use.  The first week of April is perfect for growing these bulbs.

One added thing that I am doing this year with onions is trying to plant them in the garden as well as in the totes that I used for the past ten years or more.  This was something I did many years ago, but didn't do quite as well as the totes.  I am trying it this year with all the extra onion bulbs that I had left over.  A pound and a half of onion bulbs can get you quite a bit of bulbs.

This means that I have to take care of two different areas of onions this season instead of worrying about the totes.  I will have to double my efforts such as more mulch, fertilizer, and watering.  This shouldn't be bad as long as I do what I did last season.

Peppers, tomatoes, and more plants are sprouting inside.  While it is warm for onion bulbs it is not warm for many of my other plants that I started inside.  Tomatoes and peppers have just sprouted last week and are looking quite good with minimal amount of sunlight.



At the same time I am beginning to harden off my spinach plants as early as possible in order to get them accustomed to the temperatures and winds that they will face once I plant them into the ground.

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