Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Latest Update on My Plant Progress

Here is just a simple post that I wanted to put together and show you the latest progress that my plants have been making.  Some new sprouts, flowers beginning to bud, and others that are beginning to thrive are just some of the things that are happening with my indoor plants.  Let's begin with my fruits and vegetables.

Onions and spinach are the only plants that are in the garden right now, but they are enjoying the somewhat cool and sunny weather.  Along with the rain they are thriving just like they should.

Now here are cucumbers, tomatoes, cantaloupe, and watermelons.

Now let's move on to the herbs and flowers that I have been planting.  These would include alyssum, dill, and cilantro for now.

This is just some of the plant progress that has been going on the past couple of weeks with the sunny weather and somewhat warmer temperatures.  Make sure to come back often to see what else is happening with my garden and indoor plants.

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