Thursday, April 23, 2015

Almost Time to Harvest Spinach Leaves

It has been about a week or so since I planted my spinach into the ground and most of them have been growing quite well especially with some of the rain and cool weather that we have been having.  The daytime temperatures have been a little warm, but at night it has been in the low 40's.  This is perfect for dark green spinach leaves.

I also had some more that needed to be placed into the ground and that is what I did yesterday afternoon.  I wanted to get the last of the spinach in the ground so that I can have two separate batches of spinach that I can pick at different times.  This means double the amount of spinach leaves because when one is picked the other one is continuing to grow and vice versa.

Check out the spinach I transplanted yesterday.

It is still somewhat small but in a couple of weeks it will look full and be ready for harvesting and then consumption.

I decided to grow some more flowers that will attract bees and other important insects because I believe you can never have enough flowers.  I try to plant as many flowers as possible every season and that is what I did yesterday as well.  Dill and alyssum were my first choices since they are easy to grow and I also threw in their some cilantro.

I also wanted to plants some more vegetables as well and I decided on peppers and eggplant.

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