Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Just Started Harvesting First Strawberries

I have been watching my strawberries very closely because many of them are red but are just not quite ready to be harvested.  I did find a few that were ready to be picked and that is what I did earlier in the week.  This has been about the average time that I would normally pick these berries.  In terms of timing they have began ripening as they have for the past several years.

A good size and were very tasty after I took a couple to see if they were sweet enough and juicy enough to be harvested.

I am also getting blueberries, but they are no where close to being harvested.  They take a much longer time to ripen as compared to strawberries.  July is usually when I start picking them on average.  Sometimes at the end of June I may pick the first of the season.

Since we are discussing fruit I thought it would be wise to notice a tomato is starting to grow on one of my plants.  It is probably a Roma as it has an oval shape which is the only shape that Romas will take.  It probably isn't a cherry or a steakhouse tomato so I am going with Roma.  In a couple days when it gets bigger I should be able to determine what exactly it is.  Stay tuned to find out what type of tomato is growing in my garden.

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