Saturday, June 6, 2015

Getting My Lettuce to the Kitchen Table

I was deciding on whether or not to begin picking my lettuce a week ago or to wait a little bit longer for larger leaves.  I think I made the right choice by picking them today and they look really good and I am looking forward to eating them.  I still have spinach left so I will have to finish up my spinach before I can start eating my iceberg lettuce.  No worry though because they will go fast and soon I will be enjoying the great taste of my organic lettuce.

I am really looking forward to picking my ruby glow hybrid which is what I grew this season as something different that I haven't grown before.  It is also a romaine type lettuce which is much more healthier and comes with an antioxidant which is why it is red in color compared to the traditional green iceberg lettuce.

Check out the large leaves that were removed from my plants today.

Two pounds in total was collected and 39 leaves.  I gave them a quick rinse and placed them in the refrigerator to keep them firm and crisp just the way I like them.  The ruby glow hybrid leaves are not quite ready and I am waiting for them to produce more leaves before picking them. 

Probably a good layer of mulch will help them out quite a bit.  I don't like to let the soil dry out too long otherwise they might bolt or go to seed prematurely.  Mulch can easily solve this probably especially when I use grass clippings.  This is the best type of mulch for keeping out weeds and retaining moisture.

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