Friday, May 29, 2015

Time to Finish Transplanting This Week

I thought this week would be the perfect time to finish all my transplanting.  I completed a big chunk this week by adding the last of the tomatoes, some eggplant, peppers, and many different beneficial flowers.  Getting them into the ground was my first priority.

I had let my tomatoes grow long enough in the containers that they were held in and they seemed to not be looking good towards the end.  They were growing, but leaves were starting to curl and new leaves were not growing as fast as they should.  Once I noticed this I placed them in the garden and began transplanting them immediately.

In the photo below you can see how the roots had reached the bottom and could no longer continue to flourish.  This is when you know it is time to place them in the garden soil.

This is what they looked like after placing them in the garden.

They are already starting to look much better now that they have plenty of room to grow.

I also worked on my pepper plants too and they were not going anywhere while they stayed in their peat pots.  When they stop growing or halt their production they need more room to continue and that is exactly what I did with them.

Eggplants are usually last to be added to the garden because they take quite a while to grow in small containers, but once they start producing leaves they take off really fast.  Now that they are in the ground they will grow much faster.

Some flowers were also added including sunflowers this week.  I only added the transplants that I had and will plant some more sunflower seeds because I want to make sure that I have enough in order to attract as many bees as possible.

I added a large container full of cilantro into the ground.  I wasn't sure if it would come out easily, but in the end it actually came out like a large brick similar to what alyssum and dill do.

I love dill and planting as much as possible provides two advantages.  The flowers attract good insects and I can use the leaves for flavoring in many dishes.  There is nothing better than fresh organic dill.

The last flower I added was purple alyssum.  I was able to plant them in large green pots and still have some to plant in the garden.  I have about a couple of containers left after transplanting what I had ready for the garden.

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