Monday, May 25, 2015

Sowing Seeds Directly into the Garden

Sowing seeds outside is still a great way to start a garden.  I only plant certain seeds indoors that I know I can easily transplant into the soil and can bring large harvests of fruits and vegetables.  There are some seeds that I am not able to transplant or are just not worth the effort because they don't need that much time to mature.

Those seeds that I am talking about are corn, carrots, and beans.  Corn can take some time and might be possible to transplant them, but unfortunately they are not great transplants and are best for planting them into the soil directly. 

Carrots cannot be transplanted because their roots will not grow straight making for really strange looking roots.  Pole beans are simply much more easier to grow directly outside in my opinion.

This is exactly what I did today.  This is the last step in the garden that I take once I complete all my transplants.  I still have some more transplants to go including flowers, some tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant.  Before time ran out I wanted to make certain that I had planted these seeds into the garden.

Two rows of pole beans.

Two rows of corn and one row of carrots on the left.

Before planting these seeds today this past weekend I also collect some spinach that was ready for eating.  Check out the size of these leaves below.

This wasn't the largest leaf that I collected either.  This was probably much more closer to the average size that was growing outside.  With 56 leaves and a weight of 4 pounds means that they were very large and heavy leaves.

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