Sunday, May 10, 2015

Tilling the Garden Completed Along with Spinach Harvesting

This week has been busy with the tilling of the garden which took a few days and picking many rocks that needed to be removed from the garden.  This is something I started this year in order to remove as many rocks as possible while I was tilling.  Some of them prevented the tiller from doing its job and I had to remove it.  This way next season there should be less rocks to deal with and it won't take as long to till.

Anyway it got done and below is the result of tilling the garden.

Spinach has been growing quite well especially with all the fertilizers and water that I have been giving it.  It has been using it to grown dark green and beautiful leaves that have been quite delicious.  They have not been bitter either which can happen with too much nitrogen.

34 leaves and a half a pound is what was picked up this past weekend.  It doesn't sound like much, but trust me with leaves of this size they will last for a few weeks at least.

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