Thursday, June 18, 2015

Started the Process of Weeding Garden and More Lettuce Harvested

This week has been quite busy especially with all the weeding that needs to be done throughout the entire garden.  The only thing that doesn't need to be weeded is the onions that are in totes because they are all covered with mulch which keeps the weeds out and less work for me.  Luckily with all the rain that we received this week means more weeds in the garden need to be plucked from the ground.

The good thing about getting all this rain is that now I can collect more grass clippings from mowing the lawn which I can then use on plants that cannot compete with many weeds.  Some of the plants that can use mulch would include the onions in the garden or even my corn which have a shallow root system.  I can even use it for my tomatoes that do not like uneven watering and having a mulch to retain water can help that.  It all depends what I will use these grass clippings for.

I also collected some more lettuce leaves that needed picking which came after the rain.  Picking them in the morning is supposed to allow the leaves to create a more crisp and firm leaf and supposed to last long.  I am not sure if this is true, but I did pick over 50 leaves this week.  All of them came from my iceberg lettuce plants.

Two containers full of these leaves was a good amount to collect from about a dozen iceberg plants.  I still have my ruby glow plants that are continuing to grow and I hope to start picking these leaves in the very near future.  I know I have been saying this for awhile, but I want to pick them when the time is right which is quickly approaching.

As usual I had to compare these leaves to my foot in order to show you the average size of these leaves.  They are quite large and at least they are all green as compared to what you can get from the store.

Along with the picking of lettuce weeding was done throughout the entire garden.  This included tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, melons, peppers, beans, and corn.

Here are a few pictures of the weeded plants.

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