Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Last Cantaloupe and Weeds Infesting My Broccoli Plants

One of the things I did this year for my fall crop especially broccoli was to place mulch (mainly grass clippings) all around the base of the plants.  This is a sure way not only to hold water during dry spells, but to help them with keeping weeds away from the roots.  I only had enough just to place around the plants, but not in between the rows.

This is where the bulks of the weeds appeared.  When it rains and there is a sunny day after the weeds just go crazy and start growing everywhere.  Wherever there is no mulch all the weeds began growing.  Removing them is what I did this week over a couple of days.  I would say it took about eight to nine hours total to remove every weed that I could see.

I think I did a pretty good job weeding and that is how it should look like all the time.  When I get another batch of grass clippings either tomorrow or during the weekend I will place them throughout and make sure that no weeds will grow up for the rest of the year.

No more cantaloupes growing anymore because I just picked the only one left from the summer season.  It had been pollinated later than the others, but it still grew to a good enough size.  I don't mind if my cantaloupes are small because they are not large fruit to begin with.

I had a few peppers that were ready today and plenty are on their way to becoming ripe.  I probably have at least ten more peppers that are growing on all my plants and many of them are continuing to flower.  I have had a good year for peppers and looking to collect many more.  Right now only five were ripe enough to pick.

Last, but not least nine pounds of beans were on the list for harvesting.  I didn't know I had nine pounds until I began picking them from my vines.  I still have plenty left to pick with new ones continuing to grow every day.

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