Thursday, September 24, 2015

Just Checking Out the Broccoli That My Plants are Starting to Produce

You read that right my broccoli plants are actually starting to produce fruit right now.  I wasn't sure when they would start producing, but I checked on some of them and they have broccoli right in the center of the stem.  This is where the first broccoli grows and from then on they will grow as shoots on the side throughout the year.

I was a little surprised that they are starting right now, but it is almost October so this is about the right time for them to begin producing.  Take a look at these two plants that I found to be producing broccoli.

The last zucchini and large bean harvest has been completed today.  I actually picked my last zucchini yesterday and now I can say all my squash plants are done for the season.  Since I picked my pumpkins the other day I can now focus on getting some more beans, peppers, and broccoli.


My beans are not completely done yet and I still have plenty of pickings to come as long as I keep watering them or we get some rain.  For now the largest harvests are over and my plants are just starting to wind down there production capacity.

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